I remember about simpler times. A time when everyday commodities were outrageously cheap, kids played in the dirt, and families had the time to be jovial. This is before a splurge in technology corrupted the everyday individual thought process creating a collective snare of hostility ergo the genuineness of things started to get measured by the number of likes and shares on social media platforms alone.
Rampant inflation gradually tore the innocence of civil conduct into shreds, and selfish motif driven by sinister personal agenda bred a new kind of political hegemony into existence, one that I like to call the “politics of money”. Everyone these days is obsessed with the two modern serpents of our time – fame and money. Even something as dignified as ambition, in my opinion, is now laced with the venom spewed out by these two serpents; and it’s rather toxic. Suffice to say that excessive consumerism has paved the way for shallow outer visages to rule the roost and even something as noble as intellect has become equatable with outward beauty alone.

Popular culture is laced with examples of shallow standards of attractiveness and “pharaonic” heights of success are dictating the fortunes of the destruction of some careers, lives in some cases, and all the resulting malaise has generated a subculture of intolerance, pretense, ostentation, liquid affluence, no patience for others, lack of respect for others’ feelings, skillful mastery in gossip and backbiting, real family values being replaced with the glistening glimmer of expensive satin and linen, young ones disrespecting elders, kids bullying other kids to death, political manipulation at the hands of impervious leadership misguiding people into quagmires of uncertainty and instability, and the worst sin of all, ignorance. Indeed these Simpler Times were far better than the time we are spending at the moment.
I could get into other meaningful topics of discussion such as global warming, sustainable development, and the moral decay of society but those topics have been beaten to death with hardly getting an eyebrow flinched so it would be a futile effort. I simply want to reminisce about the times gone by and lament about the degradation of the human race, knowing that unless there’s an inexplicable miracle the simpler times of yore are not coming back.