Prime Minister Imran Khan has emphasized the struggle of establishing rule of law in the country, which is lost over the last 75 years of the country’s history.
Prime Minister Imran Khan wrote an article that appeared in the daily “The Express Tribune” newspaper today [Monday]. It was titled “Spirit of Riyasat-i-Madina: Transforming Pakistan.”
PM said in his article that:
There are the 5 most important guiding principles of the state of Madina. Unity, Justice, Rule of Law lead to meritocracy, a strong moral and ethical foundation. Fourth is the inclusion of poor segments in progress and prosperity. And lastly the quest for knowledge.
Guiding Principles of Riyasat-i-Madina
Moreover, PM Imran Khan said in Pakistan, not adhering to the rule of law has led to siphoning off of billions of US dollars. And it has imposed collective poverty on our public. He said the pattern of politics and development in many countries of Africa and Latin American suggests the same. He said the so-called banana republics are the way they are because of a lack of rule of law. This cause-and-effect relationship between rule of law and socio-political harmony cannot be emphasized enough.

Imran Khan said the State of Madina was the first recorded welfare state of mankind. Where the state took the responsibility for its weak. He said inclusive development through the creation of a welfare state. Where society takes care of its poor and vulnerable. And everyone is a stakeholder in the development of society and state.
Moreover, Highlighting the ethical and moral transformation of the people as per principles of Riyasat-i-Madina, the Prime Minister said National Rahmatul Lil Alamin Authority will endeavor to engage in doing good and forbidding evil by teaching seerat-al-Nabi (SAW) to our youth in schools and universities in the hope to raise the level the ethics and morals in our society.
Regarding Islam’s principle of the quest for knowledge, Imran Khan said all sources that impact human behavior should disseminate knowledge that produces self-control, self-discipline, patience, forbearance, tolerance, and a spirit of service and volunteerism.
Talking about the steps taken for the welfare of the people, the Prime Minister further said:
“His government allocated billions of rupees under Ehsaas Program to provide relief to the common masses.”
Establishment of Rule of Law
Imran Khan reiterated to establish the rule of law, which is the most urgent of all challenges facing Pakistan. He said Pakistan has suffered from elite capture, where powerful and crooked politicians, cartels, and mafias have become accustomed to being above the law in order to protect their privileges gained through a corrupt system. PM said they have also corrupted state institutions, especially those that are responsible for upholding the rule of law. He said such individuals, cartels and mafias are parasites, and defeating them is absolutely necessary to unleash the real potential of Pakistan.