BMW’s Motorrad division has been dealing with an idea of the impending CE 02 little bicycle which will be absolutely electric and will have an exceptionally advanced look.
This idea appeared in front of the IAA Mobility gathering in Germany. This bicycle, at present named as the ‘CE 02’, is a little bike that is clad in silver and dark and has a ‘technoid typography’ while guaranteeing a moderate plan consequently giving the bicycle that inclination as though it came directly out of a science fiction film.

This bicycle has an 11kW belt-driven engine that goes at a speed of 90 km each hour for example around 56 miles each hour. At this point, the organization has not uncovered the battery limit of the bicycle yet is said to run productively.
The most fascinating reality about this bicycle is that this doesn’t have any pedals yet will have footstools that look like that of a skateboard. In addition, a round LED front lamp lights the way while the bicycle shakes a little presentation between the handlebars which gives data for example speed and battery status.

The actual bicycle is really light, and, weighs around 120 kg, as indicated by BMW the innovation is firmly controlled.